Car insurance policies can cover tire damage, but the extent of coverage depends on the circumstances. Comprehensive and collision coverage typically covers tire damage that results from an accident or
Comprehensive car insurance is designed to protect vehicles against external events that are out of the driver's control. This includes flood damage caused by heavy rains, storm surges, and overflowing
What is non-owner car insurance?
Non-owner car insurance is something not many people are familiar with. As the name suggests, it's a type of insurance policy that covers drivers who don't own
What is Insurance lapse?
Do you know what happens if your insurance policy isn't renewed on time? It's called an insurance lapse, and it can have serious consequences. In this blog, we'll
What is High-risk auto insurance?
Do you find yourself paying exorbitant amounts for car insurance? Have you been labeled a high-risk driver? If you're confused about what high-risk auto insurance